Developing a writing career necessitates an understanding of formal grammar and usage, but these rules are ultimately social constructs that can be altered or broken for specific purposes. Numerous poets and writers, perhaps most notably e. Cummings have used this strategy to deliberately break rules. This trend is also prevalent in contemporary poetry, as evidenced by poets who only use lowercase letters.
Writing your own style guide can help you become a more distinctive writer while also enhancing the narrative of your work. A style guide makes it simple to refer to and helps you put your feelings into words rather than pondering different styling options. Your creativity can flow more freely when you don't overthink things. You can easily access, edit, and expand on your style guide in a Word document or the Notes app on your phone.
Any creative writer should think about doing this, whether it's for a hobby or a career. If you want to publish your poetry, creating a style guide shows professionalism and ensures the quality of your work. A guide can also help you stand out and expand your community if you share your poems on social media.
Opportunities for everyone to create, experience, and share poetry, we strive to promote poetry and honor poets.